Discover Tips, Stories, and Guidance
Dive into a wealth of articles on mindfulness, self-care, mental health, and more. Whether you're looking for practical tips or thought-provoking insights, you'll find a range of topics to help you live a more balanced and fulfilling life. Join me on this journey of growth and discovery!
5 Basic Needs: Mom, Are you Neglecting Yours?
Hey Mom, are you caring for yourself as much as others? This blogs discusses the relationship between caregivers and self-neglect, and how to make it better.
Reframing Life’s Challenges as Stepping Stones: Ways to Stay Hopeful When Feeling Discouraged.
When setbacks happen, we can see them as barriers or stepping stones. This choice of perspective—what we tell ourselves about the situation—makes all the difference. Even when progress feels slow or nonexistent, it’s crucial to acknowledge the growth we’ve already achieved. Take a moment to reflect on where you were five years ago. Chances are, there’s something in your life now that would have seemed unimaginable back then. That’s progress. That’s growth.
What Progress in Therapy Actually Looks Like: Why It Gets Harder Before It Gets Better
So frequently we think that starting therapy is the solution to out problems, when really it's just the first step. It's normal for the process to feel hard, but with all that hard work comes a huge reward. Insight, healing and growth are all possible in therapy, even if it takes some time and hard work to get there.
The Hidden Toll of Burnout: How Trauma Can Impact Caregivers
Caregiving can take a toll in the best of situations. Throw a traumatic situation in the mix, and a caregiver can get stressed quickly. Read this blog for tips on managing mental health in spite of the stress that caregiving can bring.
Healing with Paws: How Pets Can Help Trauma Survivors Build Mental Wellness and Connection
How pets can help us heal from trauma. They lead out out of isolation, and into connection.
Understanding the Link Between Childhood Trauma and Misdiagnosis
It’s common for children to be misdiagnosed with mental health issues like ADHD or ODD when they’re actually struggling with symptoms of trauma.
Trauma can show up in behaviors that look like defiance or inattention, but these are often survival responses. Understanding the root cause is key to providing the right support. Let’s shift the focus from labels to healing.