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Counseling for Teens

In-Person After School Appointments Available

Counseling can help your teens feel seen, heard and appreciated.

The Teenage Years

Adolescence is a time full of major highs and major lows. Friends, school, dating, hormones, pressure from all directions. It can feel pretty tough at times to navigate all the new experiences that come with being a teen. Depression, anxiety and self-esteems issues are so common in a fast-paced world that feels more connected, and yet so isolated all at once. We can help you or your teen navigate this heavy developmental period.

Help your teen build self-esteem and the ability to love themselves.

Common Mental Health Concerns for Teens

The truth is, adolescents undergo all of the mental health issues that adults experience, they just have less experience managing them. What makes it even more difficult is that their brains (particularly the frontal lobes) don’t finish developing until their mid 20’s. As a result, it’s harder to manage big emotions, plan ahead and think about the future. These all become barriers to managing symptoms. We can help teens manage:

  • Depression

  • Anxiety

  • Self-Harm

  • Suicidal Ideation

  • Emotional Regulation

  • Bullying

  • Social Media Specific Issues

  • Body Image and Eating Disorders

  • Friendship and Romantic Relationship Concerns

  • School-Related Issues

Reasons Why Counseling for Teenagers Works

Resilience: Adolescents have a remarkable capacity for resilience. Despite facing significant challenges, many teens are able to overcome adversity and thrive with the right support and guidance.

Developmental Potential: Adolescence is a period of significant growth and change. With appropriate counseling and support, teenagers can develop important coping skills, emotional intelligence, and self-awareness that will serve them well into adulthood.

Therapeutic Alliance: The relationship between the therapist and the adolescent is a powerful factor in counseling outcomes. When teenagers feel understood, respected, and supported by their therapist, they are more likely to engage in the therapeutic process and experience positive changes.

Brain Plasticity: The adolescent brain is still developing, which means it's highly adaptable. Counseling interventions can help shape neural pathways associated with emotional regulation, decision-making, and interpersonal skills, leading to long-lasting positive changes.

Access to Resources: There are a variety of counseling approaches and therapeutic modalities available to meet the diverse needs of adolescents. Whether it's individual therapy, group therapy, family therapy, or specialized interventions, there are resources and interventions tailored to address a wide range of concerns.

Peer Support: Adolescents often find comfort and support in connecting with peers who are going through similar experiences. Group therapy or support groups can provide a safe space for teens to share their struggles, learn from others, and feel less alone in their journey.

Family Support: Family can be a crucial source of support for adolescents seeking counseling. When families are involved in the therapeutic process and work together to address issues, it can lead to stronger relationships, improved communication, and more effective problem-solving.

Positive Role Models: Counselors and other supportive adults can serve as positive role models for adolescents, showing them that it's possible to overcome challenges, make positive changes, and lead fulfilling lives.

Empowerment: Counseling empowers adolescents to take control of their lives, make healthier choices, and advocate for their own well-being. By developing self-awareness, self-esteem, and assertiveness skills, teens can become more resilient and confident in navigating life's challenges.

Hope and Possibility: Counseling provides adolescents with hope and a sense of possibility. It helps them recognize that their current difficulties are not permanent and that positive change is achievable with effort, support, and perseverance.

Overall, adolescents seeking counseling have many reasons to be hopeful. With the right support, guidance, and resources, they can overcome challenges, build resilience, and move towards a brighter and more fulfilling future.

Help your teen find themselves and live a life they can feel proud of .
Contact us for more information.

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