In-Person in Frisco, TX, Online in TX. FL, and WA
Counseling for Teens
In-Person After School Appointments Available
The Teenage Years
Adolescence is a time full of major highs and major lows. Friends, school, dating, hormones, pressure from all directions. It can feel pretty tough at times to navigate all the new experiences that come with being a teen. Depression, anxiety and self-esteems issues are so common in a fast-paced world that feels more connected, and yet so isolated all at once. We can help you or your teen navigate this heavy developmental period.
Common Mental Health Concerns for Teens
The truth is, adolescents undergo all of the mental health issues that adults experience, they just have less experience managing them. What makes it even more difficult is that their brains (particularly the frontal lobes) don’t finish developing until their mid 20’s. As a result, it’s harder to manage big emotions, plan ahead and think about the future. These all become barriers to managing symptoms. We can help teens manage:
Suicidal Ideation
Emotional Regulation
Social Media Specific Issues
Body Image and Eating Disorders
Friendship and Romantic Relationship Concerns
School-Related Issues