In-Person in Frisco, TX, Online in TX, FL, and WA



Counseling Services

Everyone is Welcome Here!

Are you struggling with:

  • Finding an Affirming Community?

  • Coming out, or family concerns related to your LGBTQ+Identity?

  • Relationship Issues, or general mental health?

  • You are not alone, and at Counseling and Nature Therapy Center, we affirm and celebrate your unique identity. However you identify, or if you choose not to, we are here for you!

Identity Exploration: Counseling can provide a safe space for exploration and self-discovery for gender identity and/or sexual orientation.

Coming Out Support: Counselors can offer support and guidance throughout this process, which can be tricky depending on your family or community

Dealing with Discrimination and Minority Stress: LGBTQ+ individuals may face discrimination, stigma, and prejudice in various areas of their lives, including employment, healthcare, and housing. Counseling can help individuals cope with the effects of discrimination and develop advocacy and resilience strategies.

Family and Relationship Issues: LGBTQ+ individuals may experience family rejection, conflict, or strained relationships due to their sexual orientation or gender identity. Counseling can provide support for individuals and couples navigating family dynamics and relationship challenges.

Mental Health Concerns: LGBTQ+ individuals are at a higher risk for mental health issues such as depression, anxiety, and substance abuse due to minority stress and societal stigma. Counseling can help individuals manage these mental health concerns and develop coping skills.

Ways We Can Support You

Contact us for more information.

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We can get you scheduled in less than 24 hours.