How to Manage Change in Uncertain Times

The past week has marked a major shift in the history of our country, as we start a new presidency. With that change has come a swath of executive orders, immigration raids, and a freeze on federal funding, which has now been rescinded that would have impacted almost everyone in the country. When I think about certain marginalized populations, such as the LGBTQ plus community, immigrant populations, women, and non-dominant privileged groups, my heart empathizes with the undercurrent of fear and uncertainty that is permeating the feelings and actions of many. Some feel fearful that their schools or workplaces could get raided, or that their right to marry, or their right to live peacefully and authentically will not exist any more.

Some are taking action around these issues, such as same-sex couples rushing to the alter in fear that they may lost their right to marry, and schools and businesses creating trainings to protect children and families from raids. Many may be re-identifying safe spaces, allies, or even changing their behaviors in order to maximize their own safety. Some are creating a game plan that includes moving, changing jobs, where they choose to shop, or how they spend their time online.

As therapists at Counseling and Nature Therapy Center, we support engaging in a variety of behaviors that will make you feel more secure about your safety or your standing in an uncertain world. In the face of change that is harmful to us or those we love, we can feel even more acutely like we have less control over our well-being. If you are grieving, fearful, or uncertain about the cahnges that could impact human rights for yourself and those that you love moving forward, please know that you are not alone. There are safe spaces for you to process, talk through your fears, and to safely create a plan that could impact your well-being moving forward. Here are some steps to take to get more clarity for yourself to take action in ways that support you living your most honest and safe existence.

  1. Identify Your Support Systems

The first thing that we can do to try to make ourselves feel more safe and more secure is to identify our support systems. Find out who you can trust, who you can lean on, and who might be able to either lend an emotional support or be there for you as you try to navigate the uncertainty that you're faced with.

2. Create a Safety Plan

The second thing to do is to identify what you can and cannot control. What is out of your control and what is in your control? If there are things that you can do that are within your control to make you feel more safe and more secure, by all means do it. If there are things that are outside of your control, maybe we lean on our support system and express our feelings of grief and give compassion to ourself when we are feeling lost and overwhelmed.

Create a variety of realistic plans, a plan A, a plan B, and a plan C, that could help support your goals, lifestyle or identity, even when we're not sure what might be around the corner. Know your legal rights and the rights of your loved ones. Know what threats to those legal rights could be imminent, and the legal processes required to actually be stripped of those rights. Take action that is within your power and safety. Advocate to keep your rights. If you are past the point of advocacy, identify ways of being in the world that will protect your safety. Change aspects of your life that are necessary.

3. Take Action

Going back to what is in and outside of your control. Are there ways to advocate for change in society? Now that you are aware of your rights and legal protections and how those might be under attack, are there ways you can advocate for change? Email, call or write your represenatitves, attend or organize a protest, donate and support charitable or advocacy organizations. If these actions start to feel unsafe, maybe you are pouring love and support into your community. Engaging in self-support also allows your cup to be filled for others. Self-care, managing your mental health, and giving yourself love and compassion can also help support those around you. Even small acts of love and care can go a long way.

You always have choices, and please know that counseling is available to you for support. The therapists at Counseling and Nature Therapy Center are safe, LGBTQ+ and immigrant supporting, non-biased, objective listeners. We are here to support you in YOUR goals, without agenda. If you need extra support, or aomeone to talk to, please feel free to reach out.


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