Uncertainty in the Face of Change: How to Care for Ourselves Through the Process

It's normal to experience fear when you're faced with challenges or with big changes that are outside of your control, or even to question our path on a journey of personal growth. Please know that these feelings can be overwhelming, and it's okay to ask for support, and to give ourselves some extra kindness and care.

It's okay to feel all of the feelings in the face of an unexpected change, especially when the cahnge is unwelcome or unwanted. Unwanted or uncontrollable change can bring up feelings of grief, natural resistance and a desire to bounce back to the status quo, irritation, or even anger. In these times of stress there are a few things we can do to help ease our suffering.

This blog provides some tools to help us manage the big feelings that come from big changes:

  1. Mindfulness: Take a few moments to simply notice the changing weather, the leaves changing color, the feeling of the grass under your feet. Luxuriate in the temperature of the air on your skin, and the way the light hits differently at different times of day.

    Nature is a constant reminder in both the predictability and unpredictability that can come from change. By observing the ebb and flow of the seasons we can connect with something that is constant in our lives.

  2. Self-Empowerment: Are their small ways you can take control of your life today in spite of unwanted change? Can you engage in a simple act of kindness, accomplish something, beautify your space, or pour into yourself in acts of self-care? What will give you a bit of control to help you feel empowered today?

  3. Lead with Love: Social support cannot be underestimated. If you feel like your support system is supportive in this moment then reach out to talk, embrace, or just spend time with them. If you are feeling isolated, pour that love into yourself or a pet. Giving love just feels good!

  4. Care for Self: It’s okay to take a break, disconnect and make space for your feelings, or to cope in healthy ways. If you need to take a mental health break, take a walk, avoid screens, or care for yourself in another way, it’s a positive thing to do so. By filling our own cup, we can stay grounded and available to others.

  5. Acknowledging Grief: Grieving an outcome that you had hoped for helps you move toward acceptance. It’s natural and normal to feel the full range of feelings that can accompany a major change.

In what ways can you connect with others, empower yourself, lead with love, engage in self-care and acknowledge the loss of an expected outcome? What ways can you have compassion for yourself in the face of great change? What ways can you move forward with love in your community? When we are feeling out of control, remember that we have the ability to impact our microcosms of community with inspiration and love. If you need someone to talke it all through with, contact one of our counselors at 214-307-2582.


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