Discover Tips, Stories, and Guidance
Dive into a wealth of articles on mindfulness, self-care, mental health, and more. Whether you're looking for practical tips or thought-provoking insights, you'll find a range of topics to help you live a more balanced and fulfilling life. Join me on this journey of growth and discovery!
How to Handle Stress After a Natural Disaster: Tips for Managing Mental Health
Here are some "Mental Health CPR" tips specifically tailored for dealing with the aftermath of a natural disaster…
Supporting Autistic Family Members and Friends: Practical Tips for Understanding and Empathy
How can you support your autistic family members and friends? Take a look a this blog to learn more.
How Can Trans-Cendence Intl. Support Trans-Identifying Texans?
Information about Trans-Cendence Intl. and how the organization can support Trans-identifying Texans.
Harnessing the Healing Power of Nature: How Nature Boosts Mental Health
How nature can help us heal our minds and spirit.
How do I Know if Someone I Love is Considering Suicide
What are the signs of suicidal ideation in loved ones, and what can we do to help if we are concerned? This article outlines warning signs and steps you can take to get help for a loved one experiencing depression.
Polyvagal Theory For Trauma
Polyvagal Theory offers insights into how our autonomic nervous system responds to stress and trauma, and it provides a foundation for developing coping strategies that promote self-regulation and emotional well-being. Here are some simple coping strategies derived from Polyvagal Theory…
Ways to Self-Regulate When Triggered
Self-regulation techniques can be valuable tools for individuals who have experienced trauma to manage triggers and distressing emotions. Here are some strategies…
Five Ways to Manage Anxiety
Ways I’ve worked through my anxiety lately as I’m feeling over-worked, overwhelmed and tired as a new mom, university professor and therapist
When Anxiety Keeps You Up at Night
When anxiety keeps you up at night, it can be challenging to get the rest you need. Here are some strategies to help manage anxiety and promote better sleep: